We take safety and security seriously in Gibbon Public Schools. A sign of this behavior is reflected in our efforts to stay abreast of best practices and current trends, and enhancing our ability to respond to potential threats made to students, staff, guests, and our school district.
Gibbon Public Schools utilizes an “Operations Team” that focuses on four areas – Safety, Security, Medical Response, and Tragedy Response. Members of the Operations Team are divided among these four areas and develop plans to improve procedures and protocols. For example, we review the number of individuals on our staff trained in CPR and we use that information to design the necessary training.
Members of the Operations Team include –
Samantha Schemer (Nurse) – Medical Response
Amy Danielson (Classroom Teacher) – Security
Deanna Stall (Technology) – Threat Assessment
Ed Oden (Technology) – Threat Assessment
Troy Lutz (Secondary Principal) – Security
Rick Brown (Buildings and Grounds) - Safety
Tina Godfrey (Elementary Principal) – Tragedy Response
Vern Fisher (Superintendent) – Team Leader & Communications
Keri Waddle (Counselor) – Tragedy Response
Jeff Montgomery (Assistant Principal/Activities Director) - Safety
The Operations Team is currently attending training and using what we have learned to enhance our procedures and protocols. This impacts everyone in our community … from our parents to the first responders. I say this because safety and security is a community issue. It takes a community of leaders to collaborate on the best methods proven to raise the bar of safety for an entire community. It takes a community of leaders to build a plan that successfully responds to a threat and/or to a crisis. It takes a community of leaders to coordinate communication that effectively informs parents, first responders, the school, the teachers, and the community. To have a safer community requires the school district, the city, the county, neighboring schools, and first responders working together and coordinating efforts to address all areas associated with safety and security. This includes communication, re-unification procedures, understanding protocols, and supporting each other.
The Operations Team will present more information soon, but for now, please consider what your role should be in the areas of safety and security. Please think about what you would want, how you would respond, and how you can support the school district’s efforts to raise the level of safety for every individual who walks on our campus.
Don’t hesitate to contact me at vern.fisher@gibbonpublic.org or at 308-468-5721 if you have questions, concerns, or want to share an idea.
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