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Showing posts from March, 2020


I am sad to share Gibbon Public Schools will continue to operate without students in the building, and we are preparing for the fact this might be the case the remainder of the school year. While the building may be closed in the traditional sense, PLEASE COUNT ON INSTRUCTION TAKING PLACE TIlE REMAINDER OF THIS ACADEMIC YEAR. This means learning for all students will continue in an alternate setting, and instruction will occur through Zoom, instructional packets, and other venues identified by the classroom teacher. Gibbon Public Schools just finished our first week in an alternate learning environment, and we understand the Coronavirus Pandemic has placed additional burdens on our families. After all, parents and guardians must work to provide shelter, clothing and food for their children. However, we can’t ignore the ethical obligation to continue your child’s education. It is extremely important that your children participate in the learning experiences designed by teachers. Failu...

The Approach to Public Concern Over Corona Virus

Gibbon Nation, I am confident you have had several opportunities to listen to multiple news reports on the Coronavirus Outbreak, and I am also confident folks have many questions about how your school district is responding to this crisis.  This version of SUPTs On is intended to share the district’s approach to this public concern. This past Sunday, every superintendent in the state of Nebraska participated in a video-conference call with the Commissioner of Education to learn more about the outbreak, specifics associated with the virus, and how school districts across the state of Nebraska are responding to a particular incident.  These conference calls will occur each Sunday until we have weathered this particular storm. Today, superintendents from school districts across Central Nebraska, met at Educational Service Unit #10 in Kearney to visit with Jeremy Eschliman, the Health Director at Two Rivers Public Health Department.  During this meeting, I recommended t...

Access to the School Facility

I was recently made aware of Facebook posts claiming the school district is not allowing representatives of the community to use the school facility. This claim is highly inaccurate and using social media to make posts of this nature creates confusion, frustration and sometimes anger that unfortunately places the school district in a negative light with the community. This version of SUPTs On is intended to address this false information. I’ve listed several “FACTS” that supported the district’s decision to tighten up safety and security through a keyless entry system and a facility use form. FACT: Given events that have occurred internationally, nationally, and within the state of Nebraska, we can no longer ignore the reality that violence can occur in our community or in our school district at any time. Think back to this past summer when an incident that involved a shooting occurred in Gibbon. This reality demands a practice and the commitment to co...